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Airplane windows and windshields do next to nothing to block harmful UV-A rays (which penetrate more deeply into skin to cause premature aging and wrinkles). (1)

In fact, pilots flying for 56 minutes at 30,000 ft receive the same level of UV-A radiation as a 20-minute tanning bed session. (2)

The average relative humidity in an aircraft cabin is approximately 20%, which is 40% lower than the 60% relative humidity dermatologists say is ideal for preventing dry skin. (3)

Research suggests there is an approximate 8 to 10% increase in UV intensity for every 1,000 ft of elevation. (4)

The vast majority of aircraft pressurization systems are ultimately designed to reduce the water content in the air. Only two planes–the Boeing 787 and Airbus 350–have onboard humidifiers. (3)


Before any formulation of Silex products began, a terrific amount of scientific research was conducted to determine not only which ingredients and formulas would be most hydrating to the skin, but also would be kindest. These powerful formulations create a gentle skin-care collection that keeps skin safe from environmental aggressors.

Specifically, in tandem with the unique ingredients of each formula, both products contain Alpine Rose Flower Extract. This Swiss flower grows at altitudes up to 9,600 ft and contains epigenetic factors and metabolites that preserve the human skin stem cell’s function.

Safety doesn't end with our formulations, though. For people who fly frequently, packaging security matters, and you shouldn't have to worry that your bottles will make the journey unopened and keep your luggage unsullied. We tested dozens of containers before choosing ones that stood up to our professional standards, including sugar cane-resin pump tubes designed for baggage battle.